Travis Morgan's inspiration to write Catch Me If You Know How comes from his intent to help parents keep track of what their children are doing while online. The book doesn't profess snooping but is only meant for parents to keep their children out of harm's way while they use the Internet.
The Internet is full of illicit material, stalkers, pornography etc and it is everyone's nightmare to keep an eye on someone who is not supposed to fall prey to them. The book is very helpful for someone with workable knowledge of computers, browsers and the Internet. For an out and out IT guy, this book is of little or no help. What is in the book is something that a hardcore techie would already know about. If someone has to bypass the system, Catch Me If You Know How or any other book for that matter would be of no help. I'd rather place this book under the "IT Forensics for Dummies" category. Given the fact that Travis Morgan started working on this book a few years back, some of the information seems pretty outdated. Children have become a lot smarter since then.
But all said and done, I would not discount the intent of Travis Morgan as someone who is out there to spread the knowledge and make the online world a little safer. So if you are a parent or someone who has little knowledge of computers and would like to know what you can or can't do over the Internet, then this book is just for you.
Disclosure: The author provided me with a review copy in e-book format.
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