Lost Again
"Lost Season 6- The Final Season" started yesterday (2nd Feb 2010) in the US. I used to watch the 1st season when it was telecast on Indian television a few years back. After that I lost touch...maybe because I didn't give much attention to it to get fully hooked. It was not the same case with my missus though. "Lost" was one of the main topics of our conversation during our courtship period. And after marriage I was subjected to non-stop, back-to-back viewing of "Lost" Season 1-5. I have no words to describe my condition...in short I was totally "lost". And now that the final season has started, missus is scouring the Internet to watch it online. I am dreading the day, when she finds it and I would again be subjected to a totally confusing albeit addictive mindless drama of the Dharma Initiative. And to understand what back-to-back viewing of "Lost" can do to you, read this.
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