Freelancing no more!
I have always felt the need to express myself by writing and have done that on paper (as in real paper) since childhood. All went well till the Internet bug bit me. I could write whatever I felt and wherever I liked on the web. It also provided a huge market for content. I happily lapped it up. I thought that if I got paid for what I wrote, then I could consider myself a writer. Website content, marketing brochures, sales newsletters...anything and everything that came my way was happily delivered. Few original content here and there but most were rehashed versions of the originals.
Money was a by-product of the satisfaction that I got by writing. Satisfaction in the sense that I could call myself a freelance writer. How wrong I was…only time taught me. Like all things, the charm wore off pretty soon and I stopped soliciting work which dealt with the above. Up came article ghostwriting. Since I am not a big name in the literary world, no one wanted my name on the article...which was fine by me as long as it paid me. I enjoyed till it lasted. How long could I write articles on home products or fishes and plants so that they could be submitted to ezine website for marketing purposes…and that too featuring someone else’s name. I quit doing that as well. In short, the self inflated bubble called a ‘freelance writer’ was busted. I realized, I was not one.
And why am I saying this now? Because, I think I have achieved one of the things that I wanted in life; complete a novel. The childhood dream of weaving a story and just holding the printed pages in my hand just got fulfilled. No! I am not published yet…far from it. For now I have just held the computer printout of the 1st draft. Nothing more!
I am hoping that through this blog, I will take you through the publishing journey. Writing the book was the easiest part. The real pain starts after one has written the book. Either I will get published or else the PDF version of the book will be freely distributed. I will chronicle my journey whatever be the outcome. Success or failure, you will have the truth.
Stay tuned for the start of the journey as you see it from the eyes of a 1st time writer.
Copyright (c) Pigtale 2005-2010. Images copyright respective holders.
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